Saturday, May 30th, 2020
It's the week before I begin my adventure and there is so much to do!
I'm busy getting things prepared. Things like GoFundMe pages, Instagram pages and this blog page. I'm talking to Graphic Designers and Sign Makers who are donating their time and resources to help me turn heads, I'm doing 90km weighted training trips and organizing all the gear I need.
I'm so busy! But I'm SO excited! In approximately 1 week I'll be leaving on my 1100km ride from my home in Canmore, AB to Victoria, BC
The trip will span the entire width of BC and should take me somewhere within the region of 2 weeks (travel time). I will be stopping along the way to rest and visit with friends who live in the cities and towns I am passing through and I plan to fill you in on everything that happens along the way! I expect there will be blistering heat, pouring rain, cold nights and enough blood, sweat and tears for a whole life time but I look forward to sharing it all with you.
It will be a massive challenge for me, with the highs and lows as dramatic as the peaks and valleys I'll be traversing.
I'm both excited and completely terrified!
(Here's some photos of me trying to prepare myself)
#peakstopacific #savethechildrencanada #bikepacking #charityride #charity #mountains #adventure #opus #specializedbikes #alberta #bc #canmore #victoriabc